Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Professor Interview

Today I had my meeting with my core professor to do the interview for the digital story project. We had some really good conversation about the process of writing. We talked about several things that we have touched on in class, one being that she is a part of a writing group of professors at Richmond and they get together once a month to exchange writing and peer review it. Professor Dolson said something about this when she told us that most teachers are totally fine with the idea of exchanging writing and ideas. Also, I asked her whether or not she thought that ideas are formed by writing or that writing is formed by ideas (we touched on this a bit in class) and she said that she definitely thinks that people learn from writing. She said that the majority of the time she isn't even sure what she will write until she writes it. This was something I thought a lot about at the beginning of the semester. I talked about it a bit in my bullshit post and I was glad that she agreed with me and my lack of ideas when I first start writing is not just laziness. Anyways, we had a very good discussion and I think it will definitely be good content for my digital story. I am a little worried though about how I will put these questions and answers together in the form of a story though. If anyone has any ideas about how to do this or how they plan to do it I would definitely appreciate some tips because I'm not really sure how to start.

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