Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Real Consultation!

My friend approached me earlier this week and asked me if I would be willing to do a consultation on her English paper for Professor Carleton. She said that she had cleared it with him and he said it would be alright. I told her I would help her, as I have on her previous papers because I figured it couldn't be all that different. We did our consultation earlier today and I think it was very successful! I was really proud of her because she wrote a very good paper and we had a really good discussion about where her paper was going and some concrete things that she could do to improve it. Most of the issues with the paper were wording and clarity things so we worked those out easily. She also frequently did her in text citations for quotes wrong so we discussed how to do those properly and I even pointed her towards a Writer's Web resource that would help! Then we discussed her thesis a bit more and I recommended that she include a very important point that she makes throughout her paper in her thesis. I thought it was the most interesting point she had made and that it should be included. She said she wasn't quite sure about how to do that though since that wasn't really what the paper was about. I discussed with her that from a reader's perspective that was a very large portion of what the paper was about and it would provide an interesting contrast in her thesis. We brainstormed some concrete ways that she could include this part cohesively in the thesis and I think she has a good idea of how to do that now. I think our consultation went really well and I am honestly really excited about it!!! It was so cool actually doing a consultation and I think that I actually really helped her and I have to admit it feels really good!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Sarah! I'm really glad that you remembered to give her the link to Writer's Web. I never knew about Writer's Web before this class and I think it's helpful!
