Monday, November 8, 2010

Reflection on Our Visit to the Boys and Girls Club

I realize this is a week late, but I wanted to reflect on how our visit to the boys and girls club went since I was sick for class on Wednesday. I have to be honest, our visit was not exactly what I expected. I thought that we would be giving the kids practical help on how to create their video and tips on how to make a better video. When we got there I realized that there were only a few students who had even done their interviews yet, let alone even started their videos. I realize these kids are pretty young, but the boy I was working with didn't even know when this was due or when they were going to start working on the actual video. We spent the majority of our time just talking to each other about our favorite things and our siblings, because there wasn't too much to talk about regarding the digital story. I had him tell me about his interview because he was one of the few who had done the interview and I showed him my digital story and gave him some tips on how I did mine. I don't think it was a waste for us to go on Monday, I just wish they had been more prepared so that we could have helped more. I didn't feel like I was able to help the boy I was talking with because he didn't have enough done to work on. I realize this will sometimes be the case with people who come in the writing center, but at least those people seem to have an idea of what their assignment is and we can discuss how they will go forward from where they are. The kids didn't seem to know what their process was going to be at all in this project and I have to admit I felt a little incompetent desperately trying to think of things I could help him with before he had even started the project. You can't keep a 12 year old kid talking for too long about how they intend to proceed with a project, so I felt kind of stuck. Maybe other people felt that they had more success with the kid they were working with, but I wish there was more I could have done or helped with. It just seemed like it wasn't very organized so it was difficult to give him very much help. Hopefully when we visit next week they will be a little further along in the process and there will be more concrete things that we can help with.

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